Wudu in Jama Mosque
Hello thanks for joining me.
Have you ever visit mosque (Masjid)? In every masjid you will find something like water storage .So have you thought why it is there in every mosque ?
So let’s understand why it is there .
The Qur’an says “For God loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean.”
So in every mosque there is wudu. Which use for ritual purification.
Wudu involves washing the hands, mouth, nostrils, arms, head and feet with water and is an important part of ritual purity in Islam.
Wudu translation in Gujarati: વુઝૂ
Wudu is typically done in preparation of prayer (Salat) and before read or touch Qur’an.
There is some basic water requirement for Wudu.
Permitted water types
1. Spring, sea or river water
2. Water of melting snow or hail
3. Water of a big tank or pond
4. Well water
Prohibited water types
1. Unclean or impure water
2. Water extracted from fruit and trees
3. Water that has changed its colour, taste and smell and has become thick because something was soaked in it
4. Small quantity of water in which something unclean has fallen, e.g. urine, blood, stool or wine or some animal had died after falling into it
5. Water left over after drinking by haraam animals (e.g. pigs or predatory animals)
6. Used water of wuḍūʾ or ghusl (according to the opinion of the Hanbali School)
Whenever you visit the Ahmedabad (first heritage city of India) you will find big wudu in the Jama Masjid Courtyard.
Let me give me some information about Jama Masjid :
Jama Masjid (literally Friday Mosque), also known as Jami or Jumma Mosque, is the most splendid mosque of Ahmedabad.
built in 1424 during the reign of Ahmed Shah I. Lying in the old walled city, the mosque is situated outside Bhadra Fort area, along the south side of the road extending from Teen Darwaza to Manek Chowk.
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