Use Eloquent without Laravel

Code With Travel
4 min readDec 11, 2017


Video Tutorial is here :

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In this article, we will learn everything about Eloquent, starting from the very basics and going through models, database, and other topics. You probably started to like it and think about implementing it in your next project.

In fact, creating an application without a single SQL query is tempting. Maybe you also showed it to your boss and convinced him/her to use it in your next production.

Actually, Laravel is not a monolithic framework. It is made up of several, separate parts, which are combined together to build something greater. However, nothing prevents you from using only selected packages in another application.

What is Eloquent?

Eloquent is an ORM. ORM stands for Object-relational mapping. Eloquent is just a nice layer over database queries. Basically it setups the connection for you and makes building queries easier.

Setup Eloquent

First, create a new folder in the public directory and name it “eloquent”. Now run the following composer command to install Eloquent.

composer require illuminate/database

Wait for composer to finish the installation. Create a new file and name it bootstrap.php. I will use this file to setup Eloquent. Now paste the following code in it.


require "vendor/autoload.php";

use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;

$capsule = new Capsule;


"driver" => "mysql",

"host" =>"",

"database" => "acl",

"username" => "root",

"password" => ""


//Make this Capsule instance available globally.

// Setup the Eloquent ORM.

The code starts with requiring the composer autoload class, then the required Eloquent Manager (Capsule), and finally created its instance. Through Capsule, I have set the database connection as global, and then booted Eloquent. After that, I created a new database on the localhost with the name “acl”.

Create Table For Migration

First create a new folder and name it “database”. Now, create a new file for the users table and name it “User.php”. Next, paste the following code in it:


require "../bootstrap.php";

use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;

Capsule::schema()->create('users', function ($table) {










The above code is similar to what I would write in Laravel. The difference is the schema() with reference from Capsule class. I will now create table for the todos. For that, create a new file and name it “Todo.php”. Paste the following code in it:


require "../bootstrap.php";

use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as Capsule;

Capsule::schema()->create('todos', function ($table) {









I will now migrate all the files. For that open your browser and head to eloquent/database/user.php and eloquent/database/todo.php. If you see a blank page, the tables have been migrated successfully.

Create Model Class With Eloquent

I will now create model classes using Eloquent. Create a new folder and name it classes. Now open composer.json file and paste the following lines after require:

"autoload": {

"classmap": [




This will help me add classes folder as autoload. Now create a new file inside the classes folder and name it User.php. Paste the following code:


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;

class User extends Eloquent


* The attributes that are mass assignable.
* @var array

protected $fillable = [

'name', 'email', 'password','userimage'


* The attributes that should be hidden for arrays.
* @var array

protected $hidden = [

'password', 'remember_token',


* Get Todo of User

public function todo()

return $this->hasMany('Todo');



Next, create a new file, name it Todo.php and paste the following code:


use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model as Eloquent;

class Todo extends Eloquent


protected $fillable = ['todo','category','description'];


All the classes are now in place and I could go ahead with the testing. Test the PHP Code I will now create a new file at the root and name it index.php. Open this file and paste the following code in it:


require "bootstrap.php";

$user = User::Create([ 'name' => "Kshiitj Soni", 'email' => "", 'password' => password_hash("1234",PASSWORD_BCRYPT), ]);


'todo' => "Working with Eloquent Without PHP",

'category' => "eloquent",

'description' => "Testing the work using eloquent without laravel"


When you execute this file , data will be entered to database.And you are good to go!

Tell me how you use this package, if you have already. Or if you are newly getting introduced to this marvelous tool, then tell me your experience.

Don’t forget to clap for this article if you gained something. And share if you care about other developers in the community.



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