Send SMS Text Messages From Node.js (Routemobile)
1 min readNov 22, 2020
In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to use Routemobile’s Programmable SMS to send SMS from your Node.js application.
Before you begin, make sure you have:
- Node.js installed on your machine
Sign up for (or log in to) your Routemobile’s account. (
After that make one file sms.js. Put the following code to it.
var http = require('http');
let test_message = "My test sms.";
let username = "xxxxxxxxxx";
let password = "xxxxxxxxxx";
let phone_number = "900xxxxxxx";
let sender_id = "xxxxxxxx";let url = ''+username+'&password='+password+'&type=0&dlr=1&destination='+phone_number+'&source='+sender_id+'&message='+test_message;
http.get(url, function (result) {
console.log('send sms Success, with: ' + result.statusCode);
}).on('error', function (err) {
console.log('send sms Error, with: ' + err.message);
Go to terminal and run
node sms