JavaScript Closures

Code With Travel
3 min readDec 4, 2017


A closure give you access to an outer function’s scope from an inner function outside of its original usage.

A Simple Example

As a simple example, let’s create the simplest closure we can possibly create. We’ll create a function nested inside another function:

function jump() {
var height = 10;
function scream() {
jump(); // logs 10

Here we have a function scream() that has access to the scope of the function jump(). This means that scream has access to the height variable.

Have we created a closure? Not just yet. This is part of the way there. Let’s change our jumpfunction to return the scream function and expand on this by saving the jump function to a new variable called newJump.

function jump() {
var height = 10;
function scream() {
return scream;
var newJump = jump(); // function runs but doesnt log anything// you would think that now our code has run
// you would think that javascript has gotten rid of our height variable
// but we can still use the newJump function as if our content was still intact
newJump(); // logs 10

Notice how we save the output of a function to a new variable. The jump function ran and processed itself and we saved the contents to a new variable.What JavaScript does is keep a reference to that original scope and we are still able to use it and the height variable. This reference is called closure.

Another Example

Let’s say we want to use a closure; we define a function (our inner function) b inside another function (our outer function) a and expose b.

To expose b, we simply return it or pass it into a. b will now have access to the variables within the scope of a even after a has been returned.

function add (a) {
return function (b) {
return a + b
// use
var addUp7 = add(7)
var addUp14 = add(14)
console.log (addUp7(8)); // 15
console.log (addUp14(12)); // 26

In the example above, we have defined a function add(a), which takes a single argument, a, and returns a new function. The function it returns takes a single argument, b, and returns the sum of a and b.

addUp7 and addUp14 are closures. It creates functions that can add a specific value to their argument. In the example above, add is used to create two new functions — addUp7 and addUp14 which share the same function body definition but contain different lexical environments. In the lexical environment of addUp7, a is 7 while in addUp14, a is 14.

Although JavaScript does not have the built-in ability to declare methods as either public or private, it can emulate this functionality via closures:

var houseRent = (function() {
var rent = 100000;
function changeBy(amount) {
rent += amount;
return {
raise: function() {
lower: function() {
currentAmount: function() {
return rent;

alert(houseRent.currentAmount()); // $100,000
alert(houseRent.currentAmount()); // $100,000
houseRent.changeBy(20000) // TypeError: undefined is
not a function

Using closures to namespace private functions keeps more general namespaces clean, preventing naming collisions. Neither the rent variable nor the changeBy function is available outside of houseRent. However, raise, lower and currentAmount all have access to them and can be called on houseRent.



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