How to install Drupal on Acquia Cloud and How to do development on Acquia Cloud
Hello , Thanks for joining me. Acquia Cloud provides you the development tools, environments, application services, and hosting you need to build websites and JavaScript applications powered by Drupal.
to build a website with Acquia Drupal Go to and login into the system. After that Add your application and choose proper drupal version. Click on submit. Website provisioning take some time. After that configure your drupal website. After successful installation website ready to use.
Go to the you will see list of your application.
Click on stemword and you can see environments details as below.Click on Dev.
Here you can see Database , Domains , User keys , logs and insights.Also you will find git clone URL and SSH URL .
Now How to commit code using git on Acquia cloud?
If you are using Ubuntu.
cd ~/.ssh ls -l
mkdir key_backup mv id_rsa* key_backup
ssh-keygen -b 4096
sudo gedit ~/.ssh/
Now go to the and add public key.Save it
Run following command.
sudo git clone
Note : If system ask for password then enter passphrase value into that.
Now you get all files. Now download database from sidebar. Upload database and configure in settings.php . After this clear cache and login to system.
Now make new branch
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b RC
git fetch all
git pull branch_name
git push origin RC
now push to master branch
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git pull branch_name
git push origin
Configure acquia connector with website go to admin/config/system/acquia-connector and add machine name mention below image.
Conclusion : Hope you like this article. Acquia cloud is very easy to use and configure.